Active tours in the Ural Mountains...
Ural tours
The Ural Mountain range, that follows the entire eastern border of the Perm
province has many faces and offers unlimited possibilities for outdoor adventures!
Coming from the west, the Urals form the first region with extensive nature.
Its sceneries, peaks, rocks, caves, uncountable rivers, vast taiga and numerous
- often ancient - villages and towns provide excellent opportunities for active
outdoor tours. Furthermore, our province boasts a 25.000 square kilometre nature
reserve, need we say more??
from Krasnov Travel Agency know the region, its attractions, its nature based
guest houses and Russian-style tour camps like no other. We make use of first
hand quality equipment and transport means. Our (local) guides have great experience
in organisation of group tours and are chosen for their knowledge and love of
the tour areas. Responsible tourism with regard to nature is one of our priorities.
We have made a variety of only the very best tours and routes
for you to choose from. The options are categorised below. For particular tours
which are not listed, or for individual itineraries, you can mail us.